Practical informations
The all-in-one PDF -> Program (PDF)
Location and site map -> Venue
Program of the Conference -> Detailed Program
To contact us -> Organizers
General information about the conference
The 6th conference of the French Experimental Economics Association (ASFEE), will be organized by the Paris School of Economics, on June 15-16, 2015 (Download the call for papers).
The conference is dedicated to topics related to lab experiments, framed and randomized field experiments, behavioral economics, neuro-economics, economic psychology, among others. Theoretical papers explicitly dealing with experimental/behavioral issues are also welcome.
OSE – Opening Economics, supported by PSE, is the principal partner of this meeting and one of the hundred or so projects selected in the Labex section of the «Grand Emprunt».
The conference will feature two keynote lectures by
A roundtable will also be held on the theme “Behavioral Economics for the Private Sector?” (Topic to be confirmed).
A special issue of the Revue Economique will gather papers presented at the conference. The call for papers will be distributed during the conference. A prize for the best paper presented by a young economist will also be granted to a conference speaker less than 34 year old. The winner will be offered the possibility to publish the paper as a regular article in Theory and Decision.