ASFEE 6 in Paris

Speakers > Cornand Camille

The predominant role of signal precision in experimental beauty contest
Camille Cornand  1, *@  , Romain Baeriswyl@
1 : CNRS (GATE LSE)  (Groupe d'Analyse et de Théorie Economique)
Université Lyon 2
93 chemin des mouilles - 69130 Ecully -  France
* : Corresponding author

The weight assigned to public information in Keynesian beauty contest depends on the signal precision and on the degree of strategic complementarities. This experimental study shows that the response of subjects to changes in the signal precision and in the degree of strategic complementarities is qualitatively consistent with theoretical predictions, though quantitatively weaker. The weaker subjects' response to changes in the signal precision, however, mainly drives the weight observed in the experiment, making strategic complementarities and overreaction an issue of second order.

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